This is meant as a tool to better understand why you're feeling frustrated about your sex life, but how does it work?
When you're logged in you are presented with a calendar view and a statistical view, here is a short overview of how it works.
- The tabs in the top lets you select between the calendar view which always shows the last four months and a "log" which shows all your comments, along with ratings
- You click a date to add data to that date. More on that below. When you've had sex, the color of the date changes to five different shades of green depending on how you rated the sex
- When you were rejected, the date turns red
- In the statistical overview, you can select to show stats for the last 3, 6 or 12 months using the navigation, all depending on what kind of scope you're interested in.
- This is shows your current satisfaction level in the selected time period, more on satisfaction levels below
- Some basic stats for the period
- Here you edit your satisfaction parameters, more on that below
- And here is an overview of some statistics for the period, like your ratings, some used keywords, locations and such.
Satisfaction level
So, what is your satisfaction level and how can we keep track of it? Well, simply said it's the amount of sex you want, but it's also the quality of the sex.When you click the small pen to edit your satisfaction level you are asked two questions - how often do you want to have sex and how good should that sex be? The default setting is "Twice a week" (every three days) with a rating of "3" which is "It was ok". Edit this to better fit what you think is more suiting your needs.
Note that the satisfaction meter shows percentage and goes to 150, and only turns green when it hits 100%, that's because only at 100% are you "satisfied" meaning that you have no reason to complain about your sex life so to speak. Anything over that is just awesome!
So how is satisfaction calculated? Well, it's rather simple. If you selected that you want "It was ok" (3) rated sex twice a week (every third day) that means that in a given time period, that means a certain amount of "points" scored so to speak.
When you then add data and rate your sex, the real scores are compared to what the score should be for you to be satisfied. Also, when you're rejected, one point is being reduced from the score.
Adding data
When you click a date, you add data to that date.The first is to tell the application whether you had sex or were rejected.
If you had sex, a dialog appear with a series of questions. Who initiated it, how do you rate it, did you or your partner climax, what was the location, any keywords that apply and if you want to add a comment.
If you click that you were rejected, you will be asked who initiated the intimacy and also if you have any comment about it.
The graph
Over the calendar is a graph, this graph tracks your satisfaction level as a rolling number. As opposed to the odometer-style satisfaction gauge, this is always based on the last two weeks of dataIf you have any more question, there are some answered in the FAQ
Now, if you are so inclined to be cheating on your partner due to his or her low sex drive, Silent Violence - after requests - now support adding that kind of data as well. It is turned off by default so the first step is to enable this option. Click your username in the upper right corner (or the user icon if your'e on mobile) and then select "Edit account". You will then be taken to your profile registration, where you can click yes under the option "Affair Partner".This will enable a few new things. You still have to enable and disable to show affair data, this to make it so you can see the data with only your spouse data but also in the unlikely event your spouse manages to see your silentviolence page, or you want to show her the data, unless you have specifically enabled "affair data", it will not be shown. So select your user name/user icon again and click "Include affair data" (this is also where you select "exclude affair data" as well). This will reload the page but now show you data from your affairs. You also have to select this before you can enter any affair data. Now when you click a date, you will also have the option "I had sex with someone else" and then give you more or less the same options as with "I had sex".
Sex with others are colored in different shades of blue instead of green. And in the graph the affair data is seperated as blue but is "stacked" so you can see the data combined and how "satisfied" that makes you (guilt feelings not included in graph! :)